
Terms of use and disclaimer
  • This site maintains a database of meteorological and hydrological data, historical data, and written information generated by CNR.

  • In an effort to enhance the science, experimetal products contained in this site may be accessible on this server and care must be taken when using such products as they are intended for research use.

  • Whereas CNR makes every efforts to maintain a complete and reliable data archive, the information and data on this site is provided on an "As is, As Available" basis without warranty of any kind and it is subject to change without notice.

  • CNR makes no warranty, statement or representation, express or implied, with respect to accuracy, availability, completeness or usefulness of the information, and in so far as permitted by law, will not have any legal liability or responsibility for any loss, damage or injury which may result, wheter directly or indirectly, from the supply or use of such information.

  • Consequently, the user assumes the entire risk related to its use of the information available on this site.

  • This server is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Nonetheless, timely delivery of data and products from this server through the Internet is not guarateed.

  • Any reference from the CNR web server to any entity, product, service or information does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CNR that is not responsible for the contents of any "off-site" web pages referenced from CNR server.